Three honest reasons you can face chronic illness with bravery

No one sets out to be sick (unless you’re a hypochondriac or have some other similar psychological impairment). We just don’t welcome illness like we do a best friend or a long lost loved one.

Yet, chronic illness snuggles up next to those it chooses with little regard for their thoughts on the matter. And it can be daunting to face. No matter where you are on your journey with chronic illness, having less control over your body and thus less control over your life can be frightening. Fear is an insidious thing. It gets in our heads and hearts and works hard to convince us that we ought to lay down and just stop…stop trying, stop living and even stop loving. Fear can paralyze you.

That’s where uncommon bravery comes in. Being chronically ill isn’t for sissies! It often requires more strength and more courage than the average man, woman or child musters up on a daily basis. It forces us to become above average…to be brave.

So, what are the three honest reasons you can face chronic illness with bravery? Easy.

  1. You survived life thus far. A diagnosis doesn’t change that.
  2. Your strength (though it may waver) can only get stronger as you learn how to navigate your unique illness.
  3. You still have a contribution to make to the world. Sick or well, you matter! And what you bring to the world is still very much in need. Being sick doesn’t need to define who you are, so don’t let it.

Become brave…the easy way or the hard way! Because one way or another, you must face your illness. I choose courage. I choose the easy way.